Unexpected Turn for the Sappy
Sarah Brown's archives make for some really good reading. I'm just going to throw that out there. I've already read every entry from beginning to end once, and I'm plowing through them again. One of the posts that really struck me today was this September 2002 entry, mostly because it mentions Best Friend necklaces. I just so happened to spend some time with my elementary school best friend this week, as previously mentioned on Twitter, and we totally rocked the BFF jewelry back in the day.

Behold. The middle portion of the Best Friends Forever necklace set that I shared with my two favorite friends, Sarah and Tami. There were three little puzzle piece people who could be joined together to form a magical trio of awesome. Connecting the pieces, which was always a lot easier when you weren't wearing the necklaces, made us feel like we were superheros combining our strengths and powers. It was quite the sacred ceremony.
I would love to have a reunion with these lovely ladies to catch up on what's happened since we parted ways for high school. But even more than that, I would like to thank all of my current super cool BFFs (that includes you) for sticking by me even without kick-ass puzzle people around your neck. I love you all.