Skirts with Pockets

Welcome to Skirts with Pockets, a weekly collection of the online articles, websites, and other links that I've loved and now want to share with you. Please excuse any stray candy wrappers that fall to the ground as I empty my virtual pockets.
► 99u | A Brief History of the Pencil, as told by a Pencil Aficionado
This made me miss back-to-school shopping. And working at an office supply store. And having discretionary income for buying pencils.
► Ethics Can't Be a Side Hustle
One of my concerns when I applied for a job as a state employee was that I'd encounter corruption at every level. But I forgot that I live in a combination sitcom-fairytale, so all of my coworkers are kind and considerate people who honestly want to help those we serve. So I don't have to make a tough choice about ethics in my day job, but I think it's important to think about it anyway—to make up my mind about who I want to be before a tough situation determines that for me.
► Cycle science: Genetic evidence for PMDD
I love that scientists are finally saying, "Umm, hey, we maybe should learn how lady bodies work now." Bonus: the people behind this article make a really great app called Clue for tracking periods and other menstrual cycle information.
► Carrie Fisher's most feminist act was her frankness about being bipolar in a world where women are called "crazy"
► Total recall: the people who never forget
I have a very good memory, and the people who know me well tend to find this very annoying. So dear friends and family: I could be much worse.
► Tracing (and Erasing) New York's Lines of Desire
"Desire lines" is my new favorite phrase.