Reality is gonna kick me in the shins tomorrow.
Before I spent the night at Wingstop on Friday with my guys, I went to class with Michael "Sexy Beast" Haynes. Zoology class. The teacher is like a former jock or something. It doesn't make sense.
After that, though, I got the biggest self-esteem boost of the week. I got to go chill at CRM Studios in downtown Ft. Worth, where Haynes and I were paid to be beautiful. One of his friends works there, and she apparently had to check out my picture before permitting me to be an extra in the commercial they were shooting. I would've bawled had she said, "Well, erm, no thanks. You're kinda really freaking scary sometimes."
Instead, she gave her stamp of approval. Next thing I knew, Haynes and I were pretending to shuffle papers and click around on computers and other important stuff.

Actually, a good chunk of time was spent in the employee lounge, picking our noses.

But, really, who cares? I got paid. To do nothing. While on vacation.