Steal This Idea: Google Board Game

I'd like to play a board game that requires you to hone your skills with Google and Wikipedia. Perhaps Trivial Pursuit has already made something like this, but if not, they should. Basically, you're given an obscure thing to look up online, and the first one to find it gets to move their piece forward one square or two squares or whatever.

I don't really care how points are tallied or any of that nonsense. I just have mad Google skillz that are waiting to be flaunted in a board game setting. Internet, get on this, please.

Please, Sir, May I Have Some More?

While watching Lord of the Rings tonight, my brother and I decided that the world would be a better place if it included more of the following things:

  • jet packs
  • explosions
  • dragons
  • pirates
  • ninjas
  • laser guns
  • lightsabers
  • musical numbers (particularly epic soundtracks)
  • walking sticks
  • cartoon sound effects
  • superpowers
  • balrogs in a zoo
  • treehouses
  • teleporters
  • tree villages
  • invisibility cloaks
  • giant statues
  • animatronics (particularly dancing skeletons)
  • cape swooshes

Have anything to add to the list? We're just getting started.


I am proud that people came to my site by searching for the following things:

  • Amazing things you wouldn't even know
  • Don't be sippin' on that haterade
  • Elijah Wood
  • Elijah Wood 2008
  • Elijah Wood October 2008
  • Fancy way of saying computer nerd
  • How do you get to the levels in DK64
  • I love teh interwebz
  • James Bond is hot
  • Pirate sock monkeys
  • Squirrel power
  • Sternutation
  • True life video my dad is a Star Wars nerd

On the other hand, I am rather disturbed that people were 1) searching for these things and 2) finding them on my site:

  • College student too lazy to work out
  • I hate Hemingway
  • My brother wears my skirts
  • Nicknames for pimps
  • Plan to keep America illiterate

Oh, internet. If we were friends on Facebook, our relationship would be complicated.