Pint-sized Adventure
This week, I will finish up my midterm exams, partner with Warner Bros. to host Lord of the Rings-themed giveaways and contests on Twitter, and add "hand model" to my résumé.
Next week, I will do a load of laundry and eat some of my favorite chocolate.
I like my life.
You May Now Release Your Hats
In fact, it would be wildly appropriate for you to now take your hats and toss them jubilantly in the air. has officially been upgraded! I'm running Movable Type 5 now, which makes it roughly three billion times easier to implement a new design. (Yay, makeover!)
Dad, in case you're spying on me via my blog, thanks for taking the time to help me with this upgrade. Love you!
Hold on to Your Hats
My beloved father and I are taking for a ride, upgrading the magical internet glue that keeps things in order behind the scenes. As we transition from Movable Type 3 to Movable Type 5 (with a transition to MT4 in between), things might disappear from the site or start shooting laser beams through your monitor. So distract yourselves with a little Calvin and Hobbes break until I post again with an "all clear" message, mmk?
Much love,
P.S. This message comes to you from Movable Type 4! We're halfway there!