How Do You Be So Short?
On Wednesday, my family will be shuffling off to Tennessee to celebrate Thanksgiving with my grandparents. I'm really looking forward to this opportunity to bond with my grandmother over Scrabble and shopping and back-to-back episodes of What Not to Wear. I also can't wait for my grandpa to dazzle me with some sort of mind-bending equation and to tell me how proud of me he is, no matter what I'm struggling with at the time. These people are precious to me, and I'm going to be too busy enjoying their company to care about blogging on a schedule.
That said, my lovely friend Tyler will most likely be the one hitting the "publish" button on whatever entries I manage to write up and queue on the 13-hour car ride through The Most Boring States in the Union. He doesn't know this yet, but I'm also blaming him for any typos that appear during that time. (Mua ha ha.)
Topics that are floating around in the recesses of my brain as potential topics:
- my history with female friendships and why I currently spend so much time alone
- the things I dream about doing once I move out and get a place of my own
- a list of my worst traits and habits
- my as-of-yet unwritten rules about how to properly use Twitter
- a video podcast with Juan Pedro and our sock monkey tea set
- an apology to the boys of the world for all crimes committed against them
- something about bacon
I'm not the type of person who gets thirty emails a day from people wanting to know more about my life, but if you, the fine people of the internet, have anything you've ever wanted to know about me or my friends or my cat or whatever, feel free to leave a request in the comments. Alternatively, tell me what your plans are for Thanksgiving, and I'll tell you why you'd be better off visiting my grandparents.
Steal This Idea: Doctor Who and Carmen Sandiego
They both love to travel, and guessing where they'll be next is always great fun. So stick Carmen Sandiego in the TARDIS as the Doctor's newest companion, and voila! Best-selling video game: Where in Time and Space is Carmen Sandiego? Armed only with a sonic screwdriver and your own knowledge of history and the universe (and Doctor Who trivia, perhaps?), unlock clues to follow the trail left behind by this daring duo!
Shut up. It sounded like an awesome idea when I was in the shower this morning.
That Little Cartoon Bee Freaks Me Out, Though

The members of my immediate family have many talents and interests, but cooking is not one of them. Therefore, breakfast staples have always included cereal, Pop-Tarts (or Pillsbury's Pastry Streudels), toast, and bagels. Of course, when we were younger, my brother and I did get to enjoy homemade waffles with strawberries, French toast, and pancakes (poured into shapes like cats and snowmen and Mickey Mouse) with more regularity, but now that everyone holds at least a part-time job, we have all exhausted whatever little energy we might have invested in making a hot meal for breakfast.
That said, I have had ample opportunity to study my own cereal-eating habits, which is obviously what one does when she has played all the games on the back of the cereal box and cannot find the Calvin & Hobbes books or the Sunday comics. Anyway, I am strictly cyclical when it comes to loving cereals. This month, I am devouring Honey Nut Cheerios like they're going out of style. Last month, it was Raisin Bran Crunch. For the four months preceding that, I was head-over-heels for Cinnamon Toast Crunch. (This overlapped with my brother's obsession with the same cereal, resulting in fits from yours truly when he would steal the last of the supply and stash it in his bedroom. We then started buying the cereal in bulk, which should really be the cue for my mother that the love boat is about to change course dramatically. I think we still have two boxes of the stuff hiding at the bottom of the pantry, undoubtedly working on some sort of plan to throw that cartoon bee and his bland cereal into the waiting and open mouth of the dog.)
I have since forgotten what my point was in writing this, but basically, I love cereal. If you have a recommendation for what should follow this Honey Nut Cheerios phase, let me know. Cereals I've already loved in the past year (in addition to those listed above): Frosted Mini Wheats, Lucky Charms, Frosted Mini Wheats again, and Froot Loops.
Edited to add: Yes, it does freak me out that my taste in cereal is getting blander over time. I hope my next passion is something sugary, so I know I'm not dying. Also, hey, another belatedly posted post! Please send all complaints via carrier pigeon.