Moving Pictures

When I caught up with the boys of Late Night Toast and discovered what they had been up to for the past year or so, I knew I needed to share my findings with the internet. Also, I've been looking for an excuse to dust off my Flip camcorder and try out iMovie. Tadaaaa.

Taking the A Train

A few weeks ago, I talked myself into getting a Foursquare account. I've been putting it off for ages because I don't want people knowing where I work or where I live, and as sad as it is, those are the only two places I go. Rather, those are the only two places I thought I went. But 2011 has been a bit of a weird year on the introvert front; I've moved from the "so introverted I'm going to most certainly die alone in my robe after running out of things to watch on Netflix" stage to the "maybe I can share some of these Netflix marathons with other human beings" stage. You still won't catch me at a nightclub (unless I have it on good authority that I'll bump into Elijah Wood there), but I'm finding a decent number of places to "check in" to with Foursquare.

Just Friday, I wound up in downtown Chicago with no agenda and nothing to slow me down. I was originally in the area with three of my coworkers for a Photoshop training seminar[1], but when we got to the venue at 8:30 a.m., we were told that the event had been cancelled. After an hour of chatting in the lobby, I walked back with my three little ducklings and put them on the train back home. Since my work for the week was already done, I called the office to let them know what was happening and then took off for the Art Institute[2].

After a few good hours there—discovering new corners with new exhibits—I got to enjoy a burger from one of my favorite restaurants, Eleven City Diner, and then a quick stop at Barnes & Noble for a book to read in the gardens adjoining the Art Institute. There were even ducks in the fountain. It was a downright enchanting day, full of creative inspiration and great food and good exercise and tolerable weather.

But wait! That's not all! Call now, and we'll send you this free CTA transit card and directions to gRegor's apartment, a.k.a. the "Lady Lounge"! Just kidding. No directions for you. However, I got to stop by the Lady Lounge and say hello to both gRegor and Quesadilla the Qat (friend of Tippington the Tiger, pictured below). I also got to experience Ribfest Chicago with gRegor. Our tummies enjoyed the Pitchfork ribs, some maple bacon doughnut holes, and some sort of bacon empanada. Oh, and the free drinks from Chiquita were surprisingly good. (Yes, you were good, too, ice cream from CVS.) I sort of collapsed after that and an episode of Pushing Daisies, though. A girl can only handle so much fun in one day.

I don't know how much longer I'll keep Foursquare, since it still makes me a little uncomfortable, but I'm certainly glad that it encourages adventures and allows me to feel twice as good about leaving the house. Of course, when someone comes up with an app that gives points for time spent sleeping, y'all can kiss me[3] and this blog farewell.

1 The church owns four licenses for Photoshop (two CS3 and two CS5), and I'm the only person using the software. I might have done some squawking on the topic, and the higher-ups might have decided to pay to get the rest of the gals trained. I was tagging along to learn how to be a better teacher of Photoshop.
2 Remind me later to write about how much I'm loving my membership there.
3 On the cheek, boys. On the cheek.

Cheese Is Trapped

Internet, I have something tasty and drunk for you, and her name is Hannah "Harto" Hart.

What, you've already seen My Drunk Kitchen? Every episode? Even the newish one about tacos? I don't believe you.

As I was saying, Harto is some precious gold, recently discovered in the mines of YouTube. Her haircut is eerily similar to my own, and she has as much success in the kitchen while completely plastered as I do while completely sober. (Truth: my fingers tried to type "slowber" there.)

Favorite quotes. In bullets. Because that is what blogging is all about, munchkins.

  • "The first thing you should do is . . . not be drunk while you're cooking. Just saying. Safety advisory. Maybe you should've gotten a burrito."
  • "And then you add . . . fire."
  • "It's important to remember when you're cooking to use food."
  • "Is there cheese sauce on me? That's a good line to pick somebody up."
  • "Here's some more advice. Take a nap!"
  • "Mmk, cheese is trapped. So you can't have cheese."
  • "Download a cookie recipe off Kazaa."
  • "At this point in the process, I can only assume it was a typo, and they meant to say 'cram.'"
  • "Okay, so I don't have a cookie pan, but I have this . . . this . . . kind of pegboard."
  • "Why do so many grandmas insist they have perfect meatball recipes?"
  • "Brunch people whine about problems that aren't actually problems. So let's do a little bit of that!"
  • "If you have a dream, you should have it in your heart face."
  • "I bet I can out-crawl-under-tiny-spaces you."
  • "This cheese is great, Ted!"
  • "The taco is the most versatile fruit."

And as a bonus, I'm including an episode guide!

I recommend starting with episodes three, four, and seven. You're welcome.