The 2011 Skirts Awards
Best nickname given: POOPKLOUT McGOOG
Best nickname received: Burrito
Best Twitter name squatted: @Catladriel
Best store: Sephora has all of my money now.
Best purchase: Plane tickets to and from Longview, TX, so I could see a lot of my favorite people at once
Best worst purchase: MacBook Pro
Best song that isn't actually a song: "Every Day I'm Tumblrin'"
Best album that I'm surprised to own: Watch the Throne
Best concert: Dave Brubeck and sons, performing at Ravinia
Best TV shows: Doctor Who and The Sing-Off
Best movies: The Lord of the Rings trilogy, which came back to theaters this summer!
Best reality TV show character: That Irish kid who tied as the winner of The Glee Project
Best video game played: World of Warcraft
Best video games watched: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 1 & 2
Best video game for Lord of the Rings references: Dragon Age
Best worst iPhone app: The "Talking Gina" app provided two whole days of laughter when my cousins and I first bought it. You wind up playing patty-cake with a giraffe's face, so you should maybe give it a whirl.
Best gift received as a surprise: I got a lot of really great things in the mail this year, but the TARDIS salt and pepper shakers from Chris are really sort of the best things in the world. But I also got the Lord of the Rings PEZ set that I've been wanting (from Sexy Beast! aiee!), so basically don't ever let me complain about anything ever again.
Best gift received on my birthday: The Lord of the Rings trilogy on Blu-ray (extended edition). Duh. Thanks, Adam.
Best gift received at Christmas: I'm strangely obsessed with my new Thermos. It keeps coffee hot for five hours! It takes me roughly four hours to remember that I poured myself some coffee, so this is neat.
Best shower idea: Mad Libs Monday
Best worst shower experience: Getting stuck in Phampants' bathroom while getting ready for the second day of the 20SB Summit. (Nico did the same exact thing twenty minutes later.)
Best meme: Steven Moffat killing Rory
Best meme that never really caught on: Tiger Thursday
Best fashion trend: Bow ties
Best beverage: Guayaki Yerba Mate cans, Revel Berry flavor (thanks, iJustine)
Best meal: Pizza as a vegetable
Best book that I haven't actually read yet: Yotsuba&!, Volume 10
Best punctuation marks: Semi-colon, ampersand, and em dash
Best word I finally stopped saying: "Umm."
Best word that made me laugh myself breathless for thirty minutes: "Tadaaaaaa!"
Best sentence heard on the radio: "It's a big cluckin' deal!"
Best list ended abruptly: This one
Angry Cache

Sometimes, geocaching is pretty in the weirdest way.
Things in my life that are definitely not stressing me out:
- Finding out that I missed the first of my re- payments on a student loan and must come up with $1,000 in two weeks.
- Being three weeks behind on Mad Libs Monday.
- My room looking like the "we've made one hour of progress in getting her to talk about how she'd be willing to sort her socks" part of an episode of Hoarders.
- The nail polish on my toes qualifying as "antique" and "in serious need of repair" and "ugh."
- No money ever.
- Not having any clean socks.
- Being cold enough to need to put socks on my feet.
- Realizing this list is a little foot-obsessed.
- My eyelid twitching for three weeks straight.