Green-Eyed Monsterskirts
This is how it should be. I am in the front seat, blinding people into submission. My brother is in the back seat, quietly reading manga. REMEMBER THAT, "SuperSanko," while you sit at your computer and woo the internet with 140-character quippy statements on Twitter. I AM IN THE FRONT SEAT HERE.
Not to Mention the Biggest Ella Fitzgerald Ever
Things to Love About the Ocean's Eleven Soundtrack:
- George Clooney's voice on several tracks.
- The instant Badass Boostâ„¢ included with each song. You could be doing laundry the boring way, or you could crank up the stereo and do some badass laundry.
- Brad Pitt's voice on several tracks.
- The opportunity to grunt, "UUHH!" really loudly whilst singing along to "Papa Loves Mambo." Do this in the car and count how many jealous people scowl at you.
- Some really groovin' no seriously who thought to put George Clooney and Brad Pitt in the same movie? Because I'd like to hug that person. Right before he or she introduces me to the future Mr. Georgepants and Mr. Bradpants.
Go, Team Venture!
My fish, he has a name. Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to Timmy Venture.
I promised that my brother and I would put together a video explaining how to properly pronounce and appreciate this beautiful name, and I have not forgotten. Adam just seems to think that it's more important to earn his paycheck than to make a video with me. Maybe tomorrow.
Meanwhile, go run out and watch some South Park and/or Venture Bros. to celebrate! All the cool kids are doin' it.