Open a Door, Save a Life
Yesterday's entry reminded me of all the times I have smashed my face in a door waiting for some guy to open it for me. Or worse, all the times I've hovered awkwardly next to a door, waiting for the nearby male to remember how to pull a handle.
I didn't have that problem until I went away to school, attending a university with a 7:1 guy-to-girl ratio. Most of the guys were nerds, and most of the girls were snapped up within minutes of setting foot on campus. That left me and the one other single girl on campus with approximately 3,000 sweet-as-pie nerd boys who 1) were constantly in awe of girls and wanting to do nice things for them and 2) were raised well by their mommas. I don't think I ever opened a door for myself at that university unless I was going to the bathroom or was meandering about in a girls' dorm building.
Now, I am back home. I don't ever see boys my age, especially since Cute Tuesday Boy disappeared. On the rare occasion I do see a boy, it's one of those "Have you SEEN my face? It's dreamy. I don't need to impress you with niceness, nor do I really even need to acknowledge your existence" types. (All the nerd boys up here must be inside, building robots or playing WoW or both.)
Anyway, if you ever see me in real life, don't be surprised if I seem to have a real knack for smacking into doors. In fact, you should probably bring a camera. I need more faceplant videos on YouTube.
P.S. Guys, open doors for girls. No excuses.
Have Them Tip Their Hats
Two burly construction workers paused their conversation this morning, backtracked a few steps, and held open some doors for me at Panera. It was charming. I wanted to kiss them both. If you end up reading this entry in like fifty years or so when the movie of my life is being made, please remember to add those kisses back in. But make sure my character is wearing heels; they were tall men. (Handsome, too!)
Put Me Down As "Very Satisfied"
I just posted a quote from the Trib saying that Chicagoans are the most satisfied with their city, beating out those in New York and Paris and L.A. and Sydney and others. The full article went on to talk about survey results and blah blah who cares, but it brought up the fact that we as a city are striving for world recognition by lobbying to host the 2016 Olympics.
This reminded me of The Devil in the White City, which is a fantastic book and a great story. It's always my airplane book of choice, and it fills me with some crazy pride every single time I read it. Chicago was constantly mocked by New York (and other cities) for being uncultured and immoral and foul, especially when we expressed an interest in hosting the World's Fair. This trash talk from the other cities bred a constant and fierce loyalty and determination within those living here. We were destined for great things (and still are), and one day they would see it.
I think that's a big part of what makes me so pleased to call this place home. We are all on the same team (except when it comes to baseball or which place sells the best pizza), and we all want other people to acknowledge and appreciate and understand and experience this beautiful place where we live. One hundred years ago, people here were fighting this same fight, and that just makes the current residents even more passionate. This is my kind of town, and I really can't see myself living anywhere else.