Oh, and my iPod still won't turn on.
Okay, so a few moments ago, I posted a very short rant on Twitter. I was trying out this ScrapBlog site because I'm broke and desperate to win a free trip to the BlogHer Conference '07, even if I do live forty-five minutes away from Navy Pier.
It only took a matter of seconds for me to get access to all my photos from Flickr to use on ScrapBlog, so that was pretty neat. However, because I keep my "Start bar" on the left side of my screen, part of the ScrapBlog application was hidden from view and rendered completely useless to me. I had two choices — minimize (or move) my Start bar or quit the program and whine like a baby.
The latter is better suited to my current mood personality.
However, the ranting and crying came to a screeching halt after I took a screenshot of my desktop to share with the world. Why? Because apparently, I AM STUCK IN A TIME WARP.
My desktop from March 12, 2006:

My desktop from today, June 12, 2007:

The fact that I'm still using a Veer desktop image is more a testament to the greatness of Veer than anything. And yes, I managed to delete the World of Warcraft shortcut icon and empty my recycle bin, but did anyone else notice that I'm STILL listening to the same damn Jamie Cullum song that I was the last time I took a screenshot of my desktop?? Creepy. Sad. Pathetic. NOT GOOD.
I'm not really sure what to do about this, so any advice you could throw my way would be much appreciated. (No, I don't have money to buy new CDs. Yes, I do have a working copy of BitTorrent.)