My kind of town . . .
Because of the heavy protest received by all the poor souls who were forced to look upon a growing number of cockroach pictures, I decided to rummage through my computer to find some more pleasant photographs to post.

Tada! I present to you a small collection of pictures from various trips I made downtown Chicago last summer. May it be noted that I both suck as a photographer and have a horrid camera. However, no cockroaches in sight! (Reason #30958 I'm so glad to be leaving Texas in a matter of days...)
Speaking of which, I have a new cockroach friend! (My dorm building is cursed. And old. And gross.) Her name is Jordan. She escaped her styrofoam bowl — I will never live in Texas without those things — and ran around in the protective tupperware container for a good twenty minutes before deciding to play dead. I'm thinking of leaving her on my floor until my mom gets to town on Thursday night. We'll see.
(Pictures of Jordan the Cockroach will be delayed for the sake of the beautiful Lauwen.)