Plenty of Sunshine Headin' My Way
Things That Made My Heart Flutter Today:
- A little tornado of golden leaves that came to life in the middle of the street
- Realizing that I am friends with multiple people who will let me ramble about dragon stores
- Daydreaming about taking a year off to simply read and write and take pictures
That second cup of hot chocolate came pretty close to making the list, but it could have used just one more marshmallow.
Open Mouth, Insert Foot
My coworker was recently teasing a baby who was trying in vain to put her chubby baby foot in her tiny baby mouth. Another coworker walked by and made a comment about that not being as difficult as it looked, which made the first coworker scoff. A guffaw was also possibly involved.
Meanwhile, I looked up from my desk and squeaked. My mouth was trying to say, "No, seriously. You can't get your foot to your mouth? Watch this!" while my brain was trying to say, "That is a question that you don't want to ask and that you don't really want answered. Shut up, shut up, shut up!" All that came out was the squeak, which thankfully went unnoticed.
So anyway, note to self: you almost had to demonstrate your ability to put your foot in your mouth.* In the church office. Where you are paid to at least pretend to be a professional and/or a grown-up. Let's try to avoid repeating that in the future, kk?
*Ooo baby, that pun was most definitely intended.
Next Up: Curing the Common Cold
Things I Have Done Today in an Effort to Avoid Doing Homework:
- Watched the last two episodes of the previous season of House, M.D.
- Cried a lot at the last episode of the previous season of House, M.D.
- Laughed away the tears by watching the first episode of the previous season of South Park
- Played World of Warcraft for an hour
- Talked to Nick and Sean on Skype
- Read through a year's worth of Sarah Brown's archives
- Took and deleted twenty horrible pictures of my dog with my new cell phone (Hey, phones have cameras now? Rad!)
- Marched seven loads of laundry from my room to the family room
- Changed the sheets on my bed for the first time in please don't make me actually tell you that detail
- Cleaned Timmy Venture's fish bowl for the first time in almost two months
- Painted my fingernails and toenails
- Wrote and deleted three other bulleted lists of blog material
- Took an inventory of bathroom supplies and put body wash and shampoo on the shopping list
- Read a few pages in Moby-Dick
- Practiced my Scaryskirts face in the mirror
- Talked myself into quitting my job this week
- Talked myself out of quitting my job this week
- Sorted my trash into the correct recycling bins
- Brushed my hair
- Brushed my hair again
See, Mom? I totally did stuff today.