Steal This Idea: Drive-Thru Desserts
Alright, internet. So, I know I just tricked a lot of you into calling the Rejection Hotline because, well, the temptation to abuse Twitter is just impossible to resist sometimes. But let's forget that funny little prank and move on to something way more important.
Drive-thru desserts.
(Note: yes, it pains me to write "thru" instead of "through," but I think the industry has pretty much established that as the standard. Shut up.)
Tonight, my mother and I were victims of the Sneak Attack Sweet Tooth and his good buddy, Mr. Lazypants. These villainous creatures took control of our innocent brains as we were on our way home from haircuts, when we were weak from too many aerosol products and dizzy from being so good-looking. I stupidly suggested that we go to Johnny Carino's to get some tiramisu to go, realizing only after I opened my mouth that the only location I know of is in Longview, TX. Oops.
So then we started trying to talk out our options. Ice cream? No. Too chilly. Candy? We'd have to get out of the car. Uhh...
And that's when it hit me. There are not nearly enough drive-thru dessert options here in America. Yes, we can give you coffee with five shots of pure awesome, burgers with a side of extra grease, salads christened by the Pope himself, and four million different flavors of ice cream cones or milkshakes or what have you. The fast food world is indeed a cornucopia of great things, but our biggest and most important food group has been shamefully ignored.
(To add insult to injury, my mother and I finally wound up at McDonald's, searching for a vanilla ice cream cone and an Oreo McFlurry, respectively. But guess what? Ice cream machine was broken! We were reduced to trying some sort of cinnamon roll creation, which was admittedly edible and borderline tasty, but not what we were hoping for. We stopped by a second McDonald's ten minutes later and were greeted with yet another broken ice cream machine. Someone get to work on that, please.)
All this to say, I'd like to be able to swing by an establishment to pick up any of the following items:
- a piece of pie, preferably French silk or rhubarb
- a piece of tiramisu
- a king-sized candy bar
- a chocolate chip cookie
- a molten lava cake
- a slice of cheesecake
You get the idea. I want quality dessert at a decent price to be delivered out of a building's window through my car's window into my lap. And then I want some cheap utensils and the right to shove some tasty food into my gullet without ever having to move my butt. So let's forget Jenny Craig and Atkins and South Beach and get America back where it belongs—embracing gluttony and convenience. People of the internet, I trust you can make this happen.
Save Money by Ordering Now
A few people expressed their concern after I mentioned yesterday that I don't want to have children. To clarify, I currently have zero interest in producing offspring. After I marry Elijah Wood, I might decide to bless the world with a Miniskirts or two (and holy cow, yes, that nickname and others will be used), but for now, I am perfectly content to look at infants and toddlers with disdain and be very thankful that I'm not responsible for wiping any noses or butts aside from my own.
On a slightly related note, I got a wicked awesome nosebleed yesterday. I was bummed that it didn't happen on Halloween, though, because having blood trickling across your lips and down your chin makes for a bad-ass costume all for the budget-friendly price of free dollars. Next year, I'll be offering punches to the nose if you or your snot-faced children would like to steal my idea.
Voted Most Likely to Become a Cat Lady
I have no desire to have kids. None whatsoever. Babies are no good at pillaging or plundering, and they require way too much maintenance. Also, I'm not real keen on gaining a bunch of weight and a handful of stretch marks and a craving for pickles. I don't want to force eight pounds of kicking, screaming flesh and bones from my womb, and the idea of breast-feeding wigs me out.
If I am required to have people younger than myself living in my household, I would prefer to skip the first four or five years of life and pick up when they start getting useful. By five years old, a youngster would be capable of bringing me bon-bons in bed, coloring with me (crayons only! no markers!), and watching cartoons with me. Not sure how well they'd operate a cannon, but I bet we'll find out on MythBusters sooner or later.
The idea of adoption is a lot less intimidating than the idea of pregnancy, and the lone soft spot in my crinkly old heart wouldn't really mind adopting an older child. That's probably a by-product of Little Rachelskirts reading (and crying through) too many books about ten-year-old orphans who have given up all hope of being picked, though, so I'm not sure how serious Old Grumpyskirts will be about making that happen.
Anyway, seeing that I'm single and live with my parents, all of that is a long way off and isn't something I spend much time thinking about. However, I was scrolling through some of the more recent posts on Mighty Goods this morning, and I came across the only good reason I have ever found for having a toddler on hand—dressing it up like a sock monkey. Well played, internet. Well played.