

I love a well-placed semicolon.

Cincinnati, OH
653 posts


I know for a fact that I've titled a blog post "Ch-ch-ch-changes" at least once in my life. In fact, I probably thought that was a clever way to introduce a new blog design.

[Checks archives.]

Nope. I used it as the subject line of an email I sent in 2008, which announced to my coworkers that I was back in school and cutting back my hours.

Regardless, much bigger changes have been rolling out since the start of 2011. For one thing, we're three years into the future and have finally conquered all our "its/it's" mix-ups. Also, we elected Bill Watterson as President of the United States, made the tiger our national mascot, and executed all those people with "Calvin peeing on something or other" window decals.

In less riveting and fictional news, I got a promotion of sorts. (Yay!) The gal who took care of our graphic design and promotion and web presence and all that other cool stuff accepted a management position at a health club, and her job at the church was offered to me on a trial basis to see if I would like it. Yes, it comes with an office and a pay raise. Yes, it involves designing pretty things for print and web use. Yes, it is a bit of a dream come true.

Alas, I was sent home on the first day.

Because of the impending blizzard.

Woo, snow day!

The changes to the church staff don't end there, and the summary of the whole mess is that I'm training myself for my new job while training a new boss (for my old job) and a new replacement (who has yet to be hired). The amount of teaching and learning that needs to occur over the next few months is dizzying, so if you see me crying on a street corner, take a picture. We'll have a giant scrapbooking party at the end of the year and drunkenly giggle about how pretty I am with mascara running down my cheeks. (And since 2011 is also the year in which my mother and I conquer our fear of the kitchen, I might even be able to feed you something other than Pop-Tarts at this shindig.)

Other items of note from January 2011:

  • I started counting calories a week ago and have already lost five pounds. I will fit in my high school cheerleading outfit before my next birthday, gosh dang it.
  • I went to a BEN FOLDS! concert with gRegor and Erica. Street Corner Symphony rocked my socks off as the opening act, and I forgot how to breathe when BEN FOLDS! took to the piano. (We also got to park in the same scary parking garage that almost scraped the top off my family's van when we were last in MIlwaukee.)
  • Not only did I discover a spider running along the top of the Keurig, I later uncovered a spider nest UNDER THE LID OF THE KEURIG. Since then, I haven't been able to make coffee without first disassembling and reassembling the whole machine to check for spidery grossness.
  • My love of British television continued to grow, although I still can't embrace their version of The Office.
  • Someone poisoned the waterhole! Or maybe not.

For Your Listening Pleasure

It has been a very merry Christmas here in Skirtsville. I have enough new reading material to last me through at least the middle of February (the first volume of Mark Twain's autobiography weighs more than my cat!), and the first series of Sherlock is making a sexy addition to my very small DVD collection. Also, my grandma continues to have the best taste in jewelry of anyone I know.

Of course, there is so much more to the day than just receiving gifts — or giving them, for that matter. Even still, I couldn't let Christmas pass without offering up a little something fun for y'all: the second annual guest appearance with my little brother, Adam, on the Bob and Dan Cast holiday episode. My own podcast with Adam, the much-lauded Bacon Famous, might one day live again, but for now, you'll have to make do with hearing me laugh way too loudly on someone else's (completely fabulous) show.


Blog Swap: Pretty Lil' Things

The following post was written by Adeline of Pretty Lil' Things as part of a "blog swap" between hundreds of bloggers in the 20SB community. We were all given a suggested topic: Action. What will you do next year that you've been putting off for too long? You can view my thoughts on the matter here, and after you do, be sure to check out Adeline's great posts on fashion, beauty, and shopping. Enough of my rambling, though. Without further ado, here's what Adeline had to say about her big plans for 2011:


2011 is around the corner and it's the time of the year to review our life in the past year and hope that the bad turns into good and the good turns into better in the upcoming year. So many people make new years resolutions in early January, but many forget them by early March. The most successful case of a new years resolution that I know of was probably the family that stuck through it for the entire year in the book "A Year Without Made in China."

I've never actually made any new years resolutions because I never believed that I could make it past the first month. Now that I've graduated from college and stepped into the "real world", putting forward a realistic new years resolution that I am likely to pull through seems like a logical thing to do. So what is it that I've been putting off for too long that needs some serious action beginning on January 1st?

I have to admit, like many fashionistas out there, I love to shop. Shopping is like a drug; you can get a rush of adrenaline, joy and satisfaction from shopping. The result? Credit card bills and less cash for the future. January 1st is probably a good time for you and me to start working on spending less and saving more on shopping.

There are two parts of this equation: 1) spending less, and 2) saving more. In other words, controlling your budget. How should this be done effectively? Here are my two cents on how to spend less and how to save more on shopping.

Shopping Less

Spending less money consists of controlling your budget and thinking over whether or not you should spend money on something. To control your budget, the most effective way is probably to set a limit on the different spending categories to ensure that you don't overspend.


If you have an iPhone, make full use of it! There are currently a handful of apps out there where you can enter your own budget for each category, record your spending, and generate monthly reports for you to make sure that you're in line. While some are free and some require a purchase, they an all help you track your expenses and remind yourself when you go over your budget.

Some personal expenses apps: Expense Tracker, My Spending, Personal Finance, iXpenseIt, and more.


If you don't have an iPhone, you can still keep track of your expenses either by a simple Excel spreadsheet or simply writing them down in a notebook. Doing it manually means you have to be extra determined because you need to keep reminding yourself to update your spreadsheet or notebook.


If you want to spend less, you've got to put your credit cards away! People tend to spend more money when using their credit cards because you don't really feel like you're spending much when shopping is just a swipe away. Until you see your credit card bill. Start keeping some cash in your wallet and you'll be more cautious next time you're spending your cash.

Saving More

Saving more on the things you spend is probably an easier first step than actually spending less.


Thanks to coupons and discount codes from merchants, we can save a whole lot just by buying at the right times with the right coupons. The best times to buy is the couple days before a holidays because almost all stores will have some sort of sale or promotion. Popular holiday sales are Labor Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Black Friday & Cyber Monday, Christmas, and New Years Eve. Look for coupons regularly on your favorite shopping sites and coupon-sharing communities such as RetailMeNot, Groupon, CouponCabin, and more. If you use coupons and discount codes every time you make a purchase, you could really save a ton!


Love designer clothing but can't afford the price tag? Shop on eBay, discount stores, and member-only sale sites. eBay is a great place to find new and used stuff from all over the world. Discount stores such as Marshalls and TJMaxx regularly stock up on designer clothing, bags, and shoes at a discount. Lastly, member-only sale sites like Gilt, HauteLook, and RueLaLa probably have the best designer sales! Catching your favorite designer sale at the right time can really save you a whole lot.


If you are a true shopaholic and you find it really hard to spend less on shopping, trying saving on other things like food and entertainment. Eating out less frequently can save you a significant amount. Rather than going out for dinner and drinks, switch it up and stay in for your own parties and gatherings at home. Rent a movie instead of watching it in the theaters!

Don't put this off any longer! 2011 is the time to start managing your expenses if you haven't already done so. Make "spend less, save more" your motto of the year and be your own financial advisor in 2011.

Written by Adeline
Pretty Lil' Things