

I love a well-placed semicolon.

Cincinnati, OH
653 posts


Blogging from your phone is called "plogging," right? Or is that what we call blogging while planking? (True story: I've never planked. I'm just that lazy. Also, I think "plogging" is one of the worst words ever.)

The suggested topic for BEDS today is "favorite movie." Pfft. if you don't know about my obsession with Lord of the Rings, then I'm going to have to ask you to turn in your apron. Unless you were about to bake something with a lot of chocolate. Slightly related: the chocolate cake shake from Portillo's is the best chocolate cake shake that money can buy.

Ahem. Back to talking about hobbits.

Nope. Just kidding. I'm going to go watch Fellowship of the Ring now. I've been up since 3 a.m. and have struggled to meet roughly thirty million deadlines for two bazillion projects at work this week. I need an extra spoonful of Frodo before bed.

So what's your favorite movie? Follow-up: if you answered with anything other than Lord of the Rings, how do you live with yourself? Should I send some tissues? Sorry you're so lame!

BEDS, Baths, and Beyond

Yeah, I know. Worst title for a blog post. However, this week is trying to kill me, and I'm blogging from my phone before I sleep for three hours before I go back to working really hard at not getting killed. So cut me some slack on the title.

If you haven't noticed, I failed miserably at keeping up with the posting schedule for VEDA. Therefore, I am signing up for the next big "do something every day for a month" adventure—BEDS, or Blog Every Day in September. Who was it that had that great quote about Americans and failing and how we keep trying the exact same thing over and over expecting a different outcome? Yeah. That.

But really, while I wasn't successful in the "blog every day" aspect of VEDA, I don't consider the project an utter flop. I overcame my fear of vlogging and now thoroughly enjoy it. I made some great new friends and even got to hug a few of them at the 20SB Summit. I learned a lot and smiled a lot, and that's what I want to keep doing through this blog every day thing.

Also, I was tweeting about naps tonight, and that seems like a pretty good fit with a project called BEDS.

P.S. I meant to talk about baths and how I've rediscovered the joy of taking bubble baths, but then I didn't. Sorry.

Heaps of Blessings

Some of you are aware that I had a bit of a rough weekend because of a personal situation that really upset me. It got to the point where I didn't want to check my email anymore because there's a possibility that the situation will be getting worse. Of course, I can't help myself; I need to know if I have a new comment on YouTube or a new reply on Twitter or a marriage proposal from a certain famous person.

So I've been bracing myself. Before I click the little Gmail icon on my bookmarks toolbar, I take a deep breath and prepare for the worst. But holy cow, I have had nothing but the best! You, the people of the internet, are some truly amazing friends! I've had encouraging words thrown my way by more people than I can count. Tyler sat through a ridiculously long email from me and then took the time to come back with some solid advice, and Curly spontaneously sent me an email so sweet that it made me cry. gRegor and Gilligan and Awesome and so many others stepped up to say they'd be praying for me, and it all just makes me feel like a dope for ever feeling sad. How could I feel sad with so many great people in my life?

And as the chocolate shavings on the cake (I don't like cherries), I was selected to win a free pass to the 20SB Summit later this month in Chicago. I've been beating myself up for weeks because I should be able to afford to go, but I was a little too impulsive this summer and backed myself into a financial corner. So just as I was trying to figure out how to crash the Summit lunches without seeming like a loser, this gift just dropped on my lap from the internet sky!

Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you to anyone who has sent any kind of lovin' my way these past few days. I'm overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude right now. <3