

I love a well-placed semicolon.

Cincinnati, OH
653 posts


Back in ye olde college days, one of my best friends asked to borrow my skirt because he was dressing up as a hooker for a very elaborate group costume event (involving an entire dorm floor full of wonderful, adorable, truly nerdy guys who were also slightly mischievous). It only just now dawned on me that I probably should've been offended that he thought I would own something suitable for the occasion. And really, I might consider pouting about it belatedly, but how often does a girl get the chance to participate in such debauchery? Plus, I totally had the perfect skirt.

Writing! Ugh!

The leaves were fluttering off the neighborhood trees today in the most beautiful way, so of course I was instantly furious because I had to finish driving to work and couldn't just stop in the middle of the intersection to soak in my favorite season for three hours. Responsibilities! Ugh!

I've also been really grumpy all week because I slept at a right angle on Friday night, resulting in serious and non-stop neck pain. Getting old! Ugh!

To cure my foul mood and save you from it, I'm going to recommend watching the video Tyler recently shared on his blog. It features the most darling man and his darling store with all sorts of darling root beer (and other carbonated beverages). No really, it is precious. Watch it even if you don't think you need the pick-me-up, even if you can't imagine it being interesting, even though you don't have ten minutes to spare. Then take me out for a root beer float and do the same for Tyler.

Some People

Some people fly hundreds of miles to spend the weekend with you and buy you grilled cheese and laugh at you when the icy waters of Lake Michigan make you screech. Some people wait hours for pizza with you, and some people pass the time by making fun of strangers and their selfie sticks. Some people do not complain about the cold too much, even when it takes an entire hour to fail to light a house on fire at the Great Chicago Fire Festival. Some people do not run away when you later suggest burning down a very nice establishment because you are not being seated fast enough, and some people even offer to help you with said arson.

It's even possible that some people might kiss you and take you to the zoo to see a tiger, which almost makes up for some people not liking scotch.