

I love a well-placed semicolon.

Cincinnati, OH
653 posts

I'm Sorry, Boo

I heard a story about a friend of a friend of a friend, a story that he and his wife are fans of The Lord of the Rings and talk about it so frequently that they use acronyms for the sake of efficiency. The example that was shared with me: "Lodder-roddick," which is how they pronounce LOTR: ROTK.

Say it out loud without shuddering. I dare you.

But it gets worse.

(Of course, I share this tale with all due respect, and if I ever get the chance, I intend to take these people out for a cup of hot chocolate and some grilled cheese sandwiches.)

The friend who told me about this beautiful and awful thing didn't know what the couple called the other two films. So naturally, we brainstormed for a while and came up with "Lodder-fodder" (LOTR: FOTR) and "Lodder-tot" (LOTR: TT), and that is why, if you listen closely tonight, you will be able to hear the ghost of Tolkien sobbing.

Giving Thanks

The #sitcomlife writers, who constantly threaten my quest for a boring existence, finally gave me a break today. I slept in, enjoyed breakfast in bed with my laptop and Sims 3, enjoyed lunch in bed with my laptop and Tumblr, and enjoyed dinner in bed with my laptop and Netflix. Tomorrow promises to be almost as uneventful, so maybe this is an extended commercial break or a scheduled holiday re-run. Regardless, I'm grateful for the opportunity to breathe, collect my thoughts, and completely ignore all responsibilities and dignity.

Oh, the Humanity

Since this blog is at risk for becoming a completely unreadable puddle of happiness, I'm staging an intervention. Please allow me to complain about the cold weather, whine about the last-minute tasks that were added to my to-do list this morning, and moan about the week-long migraine I haven't been able to shake.

P.S. Still totally happy, though. How obnoxious!