
un·nec·es·sar·y (adj.) - 1) not necessary or essential; needless; unessential. 2) owning two stuffed Tweety Birds, both sporting Santa hats.
Let's just say there are some scary things under my bed.
By Gilligan, America's Finest List Mocker
Note from Rachelskirts: Today's entry is brought to you by Gilligan, who took pity on me and my blogging predicament and kindly offered to write a guest post for me. I had given up hope that anybody would actually do this, so I was pleasantly surprised when he IMed me tonight, saying, "I have a guest post if you'd like it. It kinda fits in with the listings you've been doing." Turns out he's a bit of a punk. Behold:
Top ten reasons for writing a filler post:
- You're lazy.
- You like lists.
- You're three weeks behind on Blog365.
- You have no funny stories to tell.
- Your family, friends, and sock monkeys have left you hanging.
- You can't write about work either.
- Getting drunk is not an option (well, not a good option at least).
- You'd rather think up a couple bullet points than fabricate some fantastical fiction.
- Alliteration is something that comes naturally to you.
- Random thoughts just come to you during late-night IM sessions with long-lost friends.
Crusades: Round Six (Vacation Edition)
When I am queen, people will not be allowed to ask "How was your vacation?" if they only have time for a one-word reply. This trip that I just took to Texas was indeed "good," but it was also a thousand other things.
- It was sad when I arrived at DFW and wasn't greeted with a line of boys. Instead, Sexy Beast showed up fifteen minutes late. (It was great to see him and hug him, though.)
- It was surreal when I put my luggage in his car and realized that I was 1000 miles away from home and yet in such familiar surroundings.
- It was hilarious when Sexy Beast started singing along with Mariah Carey at the top of his lungs the moment we pulled out of the airport.
- It was fun to see Ninja's band practice on Thursday night, even if I was slightly concerned that shards from the eroding drum set would come flying at my head and scar my face forever.
- It was disappointing to learn that the dreamy and talented drummer had just recently acquired a girlfriend.
- It was exciting to see Sexy Beast get commissioned into the Marines on Friday. My stone cold heart swelled with pride when I saw him in uniform, standing in front of all his friends and family, swearing his loyalty to his country.
- It was interesting (and educational!) to spend most of Saturday running in and out of the Paintball Supply Shop, getting guns repaired and buying paint and testing paint and such.
- It was relaxing to have the apartment to myself on Sunday whilst the boys were off playing paintball from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. I played Guitar Hero until my fingers refused to move.
- It was a whirlwind experience to spend the day with Sexy Beast and his friends. I watched a lot of Halo, cuddled with Max the dog, laughed a lot about a syrup fight at IHOP, and attended a birthday dinner for a twin.
- It was exhausting to spend ten hours cooped up at DFW, waiting as flight after flight was canceled. Even the flight I actually took was delayed by an hour. (Poo on Texas weather.)
- It was thrilling to befriend a little bird who was trying in vain to escape through a window in DFW. He and I met in a vacant area near the SkyLink tram, and there we stayed for more than three hours. We shared a meal, and he even drank from the cap of my water bottle.
I guess if you really forced me to sum up the trip in one word, I would say it was "awesome." But I'd much rather curl up with a cup of coffee (or a glass of chocolate milk) and discuss what really happened. Because man, that syrup thing was really funny. Or maybe you just had to be there.