

I love a well-placed semicolon.

Cincinnati, OH
655 posts


Unnecessary | Flickr

un·nec·es·sar·y (adj.) - 1) not necessary or essential; needless; unessential. 2) owning two stuffed Tweety Birds, both sporting Santa hats.

Let's just say there are some scary things under my bed.

By Gilligan, America's Finest List Mocker

Note from Rachelskirts: Today's entry is brought to you by Gilligan, who took pity on me and my blogging predicament and kindly offered to write a guest post for me. I had given up hope that anybody would actually do this, so I was pleasantly surprised when he IMed me tonight, saying, "I have a guest post if you'd like it. It kinda fits in with the listings you've been doing." Turns out he's a bit of a punk. Behold:

Top ten reasons for writing a filler post:

  1. You're lazy.
  2. You like lists.
  3. You're three weeks behind on Blog365.
  4. You have no funny stories to tell.
  5. Your family, friends, and sock monkeys have left you hanging.
  6. You can't write about work either.
  7. Getting drunk is not an option (well, not a good option at least).
  8. You'd rather think up a couple bullet points than fabricate some fantastical fiction.
  9. Alliteration is something that comes naturally to you.
  10. Random thoughts just come to you during late-night IM sessions with long-lost friends.

Crusades: Round Six (Vacation Edition)

When I am queen, people will not be allowed to ask "How was your vacation?" if they only have time for a one-word reply. This trip that I just took to Texas was indeed "good," but it was also a thousand other things.

  • It was sad when I arrived at DFW and wasn't greeted with a line of boys. Instead, Sexy Beast showed up fifteen minutes late. (It was great to see him and hug him, though.)
  • It was surreal when I put my luggage in his car and realized that I was 1000 miles away from home and yet in such familiar surroundings.
  • It was hilarious when Sexy Beast started singing along with Mariah Carey at the top of his lungs the moment we pulled out of the airport.
  • It was fun to see Ninja's band practice on Thursday night, even if I was slightly concerned that shards from the eroding drum set would come flying at my head and scar my face forever.
  • It was disappointing to learn that the dreamy and talented drummer had just recently acquired a girlfriend.
  • It was exciting to see Sexy Beast get commissioned into the Marines on Friday. My stone cold heart swelled with pride when I saw him in uniform, standing in front of all his friends and family, swearing his loyalty to his country.
  • It was interesting (and educational!) to spend most of Saturday running in and out of the Paintball Supply Shop, getting guns repaired and buying paint and testing paint and such.
  • It was relaxing to have the apartment to myself on Sunday whilst the boys were off playing paintball from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. I played Guitar Hero until my fingers refused to move.
  • It was a whirlwind experience to spend the day with Sexy Beast and his friends. I watched a lot of Halo, cuddled with Max the dog, laughed a lot about a syrup fight at IHOP, and attended a birthday dinner for a twin.
  • It was exhausting to spend ten hours cooped up at DFW, waiting as flight after flight was canceled. Even the flight I actually took was delayed by an hour. (Poo on Texas weather.)
  • It was thrilling to befriend a little bird who was trying in vain to escape through a window in DFW. He and I met in a vacant area near the SkyLink tram, and there we stayed for more than three hours. We shared a meal, and he even drank from the cap of my water bottle.

I guess if you really forced me to sum up the trip in one word, I would say it was "awesome." But I'd much rather curl up with a cup of coffee (or a glass of chocolate milk) and discuss what really happened. Because man, that syrup thing was really funny. Or maybe you just had to be there.