

I love a well-placed semicolon.

Cincinnati, OH
655 posts

My Favorite Grass Addict

I have two kitties. This one is named Carmel because, well, my brother and I weren't very creative with naming the cats thirteen years ago. I'm already fairly well-practiced in being a crazy cat lady, but now I have the chance to share that with the internet. Who could resist?

Carmel, the Grass Addict
Carmel, the Grass Addict | Flickr

Things My Cat Always Gets Excited About, Even Though He Is Always Disappointed By These Things Five Seconds Later:

  1. The laundry machine.
  2. The toilet.
  3. The bathtub.
  4. Me playing piano.
  5. French fries.
  6. Fruit.
  7. The inside of my mouth.
  8. His own hairballs.

Things My Cat Legitimately Gets Excited About:

  1. Cheese.
  2. Tuna.
  3. Turkey.
  4. Grass.
  5. Catnip.
  6. Tackling his little sister.
  7. A rabbit's foot.
  8. Grass again.

Memorize these facts. There will be a pop quiz next week.

P.S. Oh my gosh, it took every ounce of energy in my body to refrain from saying "Caturday" right there, and now I've caved and said it anyway. CATURDAY!

P.P.S. Don't forget to vote on the name for my fish if you haven't already done so!

Cast Your Votes Now!

My fish needs a name! Because I am both wicked indecisive and a huge fan of polls, I'm asking you to help me out with this. The suggestions are all yours, so now it's your duty to help your favorite name make it to round two. The poll closes on Friday (June 27) at 5 p.m., and the top ten names will move on from there. Ready, set, go!

What should Rachelskirts name her fish / boyfriend? (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 49

Not Alone Anymore

I got a lot of wonderful comments and emails from people regarding my status as a single 22-year-old. Everyone was encouraging and understanding and supportive, which made me remember that a lot of people have been here before. (Say what? The world doesn't revolve around me? No way.)

Thankfully, I'm generally fairly content with who I am, even if I do let the occasional wistful comment slip out. I love that I have nothing to regret and that I haven't given away my heart carelessly. I'm excited to one day find a guy who will appreciate the fact that I come to him with myself and my integrity mostly intact. This is, however, not through any real effort on my part. Mostly, it reflects the environment I was raised in—my home, my church, and my schools—and the friends and family members who lovingly protect me there. I don't think I would have fared as well as I have without the people in my life who keep me accountable.

All this to say, I really am quite happy to be single, although I'm now even more happy to be dating my fish. What would make me the happiest, however, is if you would continue to flood the comments with suggestions of names for my new boyfriend. I'll officially stop collecting ideas tomorrow (Friday, June 20, 2008*) at 5 p.m. CST, and a poll will be posted shortly thereafter.

*Yes, I am still a month behind in posting. Shush.