

I love a well-placed semicolon.

Cincinnati, OH
655 posts

Late Night Tips: Working

Note from Rachelskirts: This is the third in a series of guest blog posts brought to you by Michael. Enjoy!

"Night time is really the best time to work. All the ideas are there to be yours because everyone else is asleep." - Catherine O'Hara

How often do you have to stay up late working on some report for school, or a project for work, or Lord knows what. At least... I sure hope He knows, 'cause I certainly don't. Well, everyone knows that if you want to stay up late, you drink coffee (or caffeine in general). However, what people don't realize is that coffee only tricks your brain into *thinking* it is awake. There comes a point where you will be to tired to trick your brain any further, so you might as well have some backup plans, neh? Eh.

Buy a lot of gum. Gum gives you sugar, which gives you energy. But more importantly, gum keeps you active. It's better than sitting there dozing off without noticing because the only part of you that was active was your brain.

Also, bananas are known to give a quick burst of energy. I never thought I would be advocating the consumption of mush-in-a-skin, but here I am.


I am listening to On The Radio by Regina Spektor. I think I am in love with this song. Anyway...


Speaking of breaks, if you take semi-frequent breaks, that will wake you up a bit. Try going for a small, 5 minute walks. Or take a shower. That will definitely wake you up.

If you are up late studying, as a last resort, try going to bed. You might think that will be counter productive, but your body will be much more alert for the test the next day.

Disclaimer: None of the above statements have been verified by anyone that would be qualified to verify them other than the authors own common sense. The author is not to be held responsible for any injuries sustained through the usage of the above advice. The author does not advocate the consumption of bananas. The author retains the right to deny having given advice that may lead the reader to consume bananas. Use at your own risk.

Tip for Google Users

If you're going to search for something creepy or pervy like "photos of ladies in panties" or "dead children" or "photos boys in heels and skirts," copy the link location of the search result into a fresh tab or window to avoid tipping off people like me that you landed on my site that way. (GOOD HEAVENS, INTERNET. GET A LIFE. And a girlfriend.)

Bonus tip: I do not have any affiliation with Bill Watterson (other than being a huge fan of Calvin and Hobbes), nor can I arrange for you or your son to meet him.

Internet Rehab

I just marked some 3000 entries as read in Google Reader, and I feel incredibly relieved. At some point in the last few months, I allowed myself to get weighed down by a feeling of obligation to the blogosphere, and that just isn't healthy, folks. I can barely keep in touch with the handful of people I consider to be my best buds much less the thousands of bloggers I want to get to know.

How do you manage to stay involved without getting overwhelmed? Do you limit the number of blogs you read? Do you rotate through them in batches? Would you rather have the ability to fly or the ability to absorb information from Google Reader telepathically? (Okay, just kidding on that last one.)

Seriously, though. This internet addiction can be crippling at times, and I'm curious to know how y'all deal with it.