Fly Me to the Moon

Yesterday, I got stuck behind a really long freight train on the way home from work. Because my mother is out of town this week, I get to drive myself to work and back. That time in the car is really the only "alone time" I get, and—no offense, family—I really need and cherish that space sometimes. So, for ten glorious minutes, I basked in the sunshine that was pouring over the driver's seat, cranked up the Frank Sinatra on the stereo, and imagined I was in the cute convertible in front of me. And it was fantastic. The end.
We'll All Do the Fishstick
Tonight, I will celebrate. After almost two years of complete procrastination, I am finally free of .wma files, which means that all my music can finally live on my iPod. How am I celebrating? By laughing myself to sleep with a healthy dose of You Look Nice Today, the best podcast ever brought to you by the best Twitter users ever. Go check it out.
Ring Ring Ring, Banana Phone
Things That Failed to Impress Me This Week:
- Wal*mart's new logo, which is not an improvement over the old one in any way, shape, or form.
- Jackie Chan's flick, Robin B. Hood
- Target not having a single USB headset in store (that I could find)
Things That Totally Made Me Chuckle:
- Knowing that my friends were on the same page as Matthew Baldwin when they suggested Bagpipe Hero and Clarinet Hero
- The out-takes of Jackie Chan's flick, Robin B. Hood
- The fact that "bananas" is the centerpiece of this week's Wordle: