

I love a well-placed semicolon.

Cincinnati, OH
655 posts

Forget Growing Up

I miss my daddy telling me a new fairy tale every night, always about Princess Rachel and her adventures with her pet tiger or Prince Charming or whatever.

I miss nap time.

I miss playing with my stuffed animals.

I miss the little checklist I kept in my nightstand with a tally of how many nights I had slept with each stuffed animal, so I wouldn't hurt the feelings of any of them by showing favoritism.

I miss reading Laura Ingalls Wilder books under the covers with a flashlight.

I miss going to the library every week to check out as many new books as I could carry.

I miss dancing freely in the living room to the 1812 Overture, stomping on the ground with all my might when the cannon part came.

I miss playing soccer and speedball in the backyard with my brother.

I miss playing dress-up.

Today, I miss my childhood.

Quite Content to Ignore and Be Ignored

Books Currently on My Desk:

  • Chicago Moleskine
  • The Book of Lost Tales 1
  • The Book of Lost Tales 2
  • The Lays of Beleriand
  • The Return of the King (paperback)
  • The Elements of Style: Fourth Edition
  • The Fellowship of the Ring (hardcover)
  • The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

I wouldn't trade being me for anything in the world.

Goodbye, Summer

Goodbye, Summer
Goodbye, Summer | Flickr

Autumn has been my favorite season for as long as I can remember. Once the calendar flips to September, I am the happiest kid on the block. My birthday happens, school starts, and the weather ages to perfection. Cool, crisp nights end with warm, breezy days. The humidity disappears, leaving plenty of room in the atmosphere for the beautiful sounds of jazz to float languidly among the falling leaves.

This year, however, it seems that my perfect weather came during the summer, and I am now to endure a gloomy and gross September, spoiled from all the hurricane rain. It is almost enough to make me cry.

But once in a while, autumn throws me a bone and gives me a beautiful sunset or a warm hug of a breeze to remind me that it still loves me. Even as I type this, I can see the sun for the first time in days. So Mr. Autumn, I love you, too. Just please don't try this again next year. And please keep Mr. Winter on vacation as long as possible.