Post-It Note Confessions: Part One

Well, I don't really have a crush on every boy, but I've been discovering that I'm a bit of a sucker for certain types of guys. Namely, the following:
- Boys who know and appreciate proper spelling and grammar.
- Boys who smell nice.
- Boys who are musicians. (Pianists are my ultimate weakness, followed closely by drummers.)
There are, of course, a thousand other things that I like and don't like in a guy, but almost any jerk could sit down at a piano and steal my heart away in an instant. If he was also giving a lecture on the proper spelling of "definitely" and wearing a sexy cologne, I'd be in serious trouble. I guess the real problem is that there are a lot of boys who fall into the above categories, which leaves me with too much swooning to do and not enough time for making out with Frodo Baggins on Sims 2.