Putting the "Wreck" in "Emotional Trainwreck"
Yesterday was a virtual disaster from beginning to end. Narrating the tale proved to be too long and ridiculous, so bullet points will have to suffice.
Why yesterday was a bad day:
- Didn't sleep at all during the nighttime.
- Trusted my mom to wake me from a nap (she offered), but she sent my dad instead. My dad says stupid things like, "Would you like me to come back later?" when he's waking me.
- Overslept massively.
- Didn't have time to shower. Had to wash hair in the sink.
- Got shampoo in my eye.
- Didn't have time to properly dry clothing.
- Went to an interview in damp shirts.
- Trusted my mom to pick me up for my interview (she offered), but my dad stayed home from work instead, leaving me his car to drive.
- Had to drive my dad's car, which I hate with an indescribable passion.
- Cursed up and down in a fit of frustration from the moment I woke up 'til the moment I arrived at the church for my interview.
- Was so tired and stressed and emotionally tipsy that I wound up crying during my interview with my pastor.
- Sobbed after the interview.
- Almost killed people while trying to drive and cry at the same time.
- Didn't even get the job I really wanted.
Why yesterday was an "okay" day:
- Got a job.
- Received lots of lovin' from the fine folks over at Twitter.
- Watched Lord of the Rings while chowing down on pizza and chocolate, pretty much an unstoppable combination of goodness in my world.
- Didn't have to pose for a stupid Obligatory Door Picture.
- Got to be ridiculously angsty while taking this picture instead: